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Well, well, well.

Here we are. 18 years later.
Our marriage is old enough to vote; old enough to buy some cigarettes; old enough to buy lottery tickets — and buy other… “questionable” things.

It’s such a wild thought to process.
These 18 years have passed too quick.
Though, I can’t say my wife feels the same… hahaha.

I’m so grateful for the past 18 years of marriage.
And how she has been a tremendous part of my life for the past 20 years.

I knew that when I wanted to marry her, I was forgoing the dream of having a sugar mama who would financially support me and my whimsical dreams and desires.

But I ended up with something far greater than a sugar mama: a partner (in crime).
A partner that pushes me to be better.
A partner that pulls me when I’m dragging my feet.
A partner who encourages me.
A partner who inspires me.
A partner who loves me.
A partner who’d help bury … things without asking twice. Not that we’d ever need to… hey look what’s that over there?
A clunky segue. That’s what.

From DC, to Hawaii, to various places in Southern California, to now Texas. We’ve moved so much in during our time together. But I learned really quick that home is wherever you are. I am home when I’m with you.

Thank you for being my home and safe space to be me without any shame or anxiety or guilt.
Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans— even when it affected all of our futures by being called into the “principal’s” office… more than once, might I add.
Thank you for the unending grace and unconditional love you have shared with me over the years.

I don’t know who I’d be without you. I don’t know where I’d be without you, either.

So here’s to 18 years of doing life with you as a married couple!
And here’s to many many more years of shenanigans.

My 24th birthday!

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