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As of now, it seems like my professional relationship with the United Methodist Church will come an official end at the end of June.
“What do you mean? You’re an Episcopalian now. Didn’t you leave the UMC in 2019?”
Thanks, Self, for asking questions some may have had.

I still wrote for a subsection for the UMC (that was once known as Rethink Church).
They kept sending the contracts, I kept signing them. I wasn’t gonna say “no.” I may look dense but I’m not that dense.

But I got word that the last contract I signed with them just might be the last one. It was a great ride and I have many thoughts about it that I’ll write about later (all positive thoughts, btw).
I will say this though: Ryan Dunn, my contact and editor at, though I’ve actually never met him in person, is one of my favorite clergy from UMC. If I ever get around to Nashville, he’s gonna be the first person I’m gonna ask to get coffee with. I’m forever on Team Dunn. He’s one of the few persons I wouldn’t say “no” or “pass” to — even if he didn’t pay me.

The money I earned writing for UMC was used to fund other personal projects I had (like this blog) and a couple of tattoos. Now that I may not have that source of income, I decided to finally take my friend’s advice and start experimenting with subscriptions — paid subscriptions that is.

I did already start experimenting with the subscription model. A few posts, at least once a month, were for subscribers only.
This time I’m going to go all in with the paid-subscription model in hopes that I’d have at least a little bit to help offset the costs that comes with this blog.

And listen, if you’re already subscribed — you’re good. You don’t have to worry about anything.

For the rest of us, the newsletter blogpost is $3/mo or $27/yr.

I want to write another book. The itch is officially back. But I don’t know about what — or at least most of my ideas is blog worthy not book material. So I’m going to start fleshing those thoughts out.

That’s just a way of saying, the subscriptions will give readers access to exclusive posts; Q&A posts — a lot of people have sent me questions about faith and I’ve wanted to answer them and I figured this is a way to do so. And a lot of other things to come in the near future.
Obviously — this isn’t the greatest sales pitch.

And for whatever reason, you want to subscribe and can’t pay — let me know and I got you.

Forgive me for assuming that anything I put out is worth of any monetarily value. I can’t even tell you if what I write is any good — and I’m not saying that to fish for compliments. There’s definitely a lot of imposter syndrome that floats in and out of mind on a regular basis. But what I can say is — what I do put out is genuinely me and I stand behind the things I create.

So let’s see where this venture takes us.
I thank you for your support and love.

And I’ll see you in a bit.
I have two FAN BOY posts that I’m working on.
One is about Mike Birbiglia and the other is about Wrestlemania.

So if you’re curious and haven’t subscribed yet, here ya go.

If you have any questions:

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